Apr 26, 2020
Jack Thomas is back and is ready to get us to a level of wokeness we could never achieve on our own. First he tells us about how you cant prove 5g towers arnt causing Covid 19 so we should burn them all down. Then we find out that a comet is heading to earth and the only one who can save is Bruce Willis. Dasani is...
Apr 19, 2020
Stuttering John has a podcast. Who is a Stuttering John? No one really remembers. We try to uncover that mystery and who could possible be listening to this shittastrophy of a podcast. This show he has Jason Ellis, the only saving grace to this episode, on the show so he can sit there and listen to John talk about...
Apr 11, 2020
Christian and I have officially started a new podcast called Welcome To An American. Mainly just a propaganda for truck nut for hats. Check out the new podcast on most places you get podcasts or on Clevernamepodcast.com. Then we talk about the big swinging dick of the week Dana White attempting to create a real life...
Apr 5, 2020
We found the guy who cured corona virus. With a few simple steps you can do at home you to can cure the nasty virus according to the Belarusian president. Plus we find that the person that is benefiting most from the virus is Bigfoot. Hes roaming freely without fear of running into humans and hes getting more...